Track records — Stadium Map Mini World 2007

Use the slider on top to go back into the past and view the leaderboards at any given time.

With "Show beaten replays" you can toggle on/off own records a driver has beaten.

Score Leaderboard points gained, based on Track Value
LB Replay counts towards leaderboard () or not () (more info)
/ Penalty Only Platform tracks: Respawn penalty time added to race time
00:10.00 Replay is invalid & driven on a different version of the track
Only Puzzle tracks: Replay is locked for 30 days after upload
Database Stats: 240,544 Tracks (24 last 24h) · 1,002,656 Replays (351 last 24h) · 2,050 Videos (2 last 24h) · 45,363 Users (14 last h)